


Women's inability to contribute financially, the patriarchal system relegates their existence solely for marriage, motherhood and sexual pleasure. We need to shift this, so girls will be valued in different way..
We don't believe in hand outs, we believe in opportunity. We believe women's empowerment has a great influence on health, nutrition, education and overall well being of societies.
Women have gained freedom of mobility, decision making power, awareness of their right, self confidence and face lower level of domestic violence from earning and managing their own income.
2 Afghan girls left their country due to conflict and went to two different countries, when opportunity given one become the youngest Australian senator another served in multiple ministerial roles in Canada....


What We Do

We believe in opportunity not in hand outs. We believe teaching how to catch fish is better and has long lasting positive impact on people's life then just giving fish.


Women's Situation

Every 2 hours an Afghan women dies during pregnancy or child birth. In January this year 48119 beggars were collected from street of Kabul alone, of which 25726 were children and 14813 were women....


Get Involved

We can't do this alone we need your help, Afghan women needs your help, help them bring bread on their table and stop another girl becoming a child bride...join this cause by giving us your time.....


Poverty is lack of opportunity

Poverty eradication is about enabling women to have income security, sustainable livelihood, access to decent work and full and sustainable employment.
Women's empowerment is "women power & control in making life choices " and that only comes when women earn and has financial independence.

Thank you Empower Afghan Women for providing us the opportunity to put bread on our tables. Shakila, Nooria, Nafisa, Mursal, Nazia, Farzana...

Thank you

I'm a war widow with 4 children. Lost my husband in a road side bomb. Thanks to EMPOWER AFGHAN WOMEN for the opportunity to train others, and making an honest living.


My name is Najma, I was a teacher before, now there isn't any school and I don't have a job. My husband is in prison. Thanks to EMPOWER AFGHAN WOMEN for providing the opportunity to feed my 2 children.
Thank you



Thank you Empower Afghan Women for providing us the opportunity to put bread on our tables. Shakila, Nooria, Nafisa, Mursal, Nazia, Farzana...

Thank you

My name is Najma, I was a teacher before, now there isn't any school and I don't have a job. My husband is in prison. Thanks to EMPOWER AFGHAN WOMEN for providing the opportunity to feed my 2 children. Thank you


I'm a war widow with 4 children. Lost my husband in a road side bomb. Thanks to EMPOWER AFGHAN WOMEN for the opportunity to train others, and making an honest living.
