In the new Afghanistan it's sell your daughter or starve

Stephanie Sinclair, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, is the founder and president of Too Young To Wed.
Their names are Khoshbakht, Saliha, Fawzia, Benazir, Farzana and Nazia — Afghan girls ages 8 to 10 who have been sold into marriage. Desperation forced their parents to thrust them into brutal adulthood. In Shahrak-e-Sabz, a settlement of makeshift mud-brick homes and tents for the displaced in Herat province that we visited last month, our researchers counted 118 girls who had been sold as child brides, and 116 families with girls waiting for buyers. This amounts to 40 percent of families surveyed, even though the Taliban decreed in late 2021 that women should not be considered "property" and must consent to marriage.
Conditions in the settlement are hellish. Shahrak-e-Sabz is set in a vast desert with no shade trees in sight; scant protection from sandstorms and harsh weather; no running water, electricity, heat or work; and only a trickle of aid from the outside world. Most families living here left behind decent lives to escape climate change and conflict. They subsist on stale bread and black tea; many are close to starving.
Across Afghanistan, child marriages have skyrocketed, and not only because of economic collapse. Families once hoped that their daughters, when educated, might find good work and contribute to the family income. Today, under the Taliban's ever-increasing restrictions, school is prohibited for girls after the sixth grade, and work options for women are few. Sequestered at home, a girl becomes just another mouth to feed. But as a bride, she's a valuable commodity. A $2,000 bride price is enough to feed a family for a year. For the girls, of course, this is a nightmare. In their new in-laws' homes, they are saddled with housework and often subject to verbal, physical and sexual abuse — slavery under the guise of matrimony. It's no wonder suicide and depression are rising among Afghan teenage girls.
To address the root causes of the child-bride phenomenon, my organization, Too Young to Wed, works to alleviate the hunger that stalks almost 90 percent of Afghans today. We provide parents with livelihood training so they can support their families rather than choose between starving or selling their children. In some cases, sensitive social workers can work with local authorities to annul marriages. Meanwhile, it is essential to educate community elders about the detrimental effects of child marriage, its harm to girls' physical and emotional well-being and to the broader societal fabric. Girls under age 15 are five times more likely than women to die in childbirth, and their babies are often born premature.
In the midst of our fieldwork in Afghanistan, we worked with photographers to document the lives of several families who have faced the prospect of child marriage. Here are six of their stories.

Khoshbakht, 10


Khoshbakht is one of five children living with their mother,…

Saliha, 10


Saliha was sold into marriage at age 7. “I sold…

Fawzia, 6


Fawzia, standing here with Ghulam Hazrat, 8; Amina, 5; and…

Benazir, 10


Benazir, seen here making bread, was sold into marriage at…

Farzana, 9


Farzana’s mother, Mariam, has seven children, ranging in age from…

Nazia, 9


Nazia was sold one year ago instead of her 12-year-old…